• Tags: 2011 revolution
Tahrir-Liberation Square is a 90 minute documentary by Stefano Savona. It follows Noha, Ahmed and Elsayed as street protests become a revolution. “Day after day, sleepless night after sleepless night, until the capitulation of the defeated pharaoh,…

This feature film is a slapstick comedy set in a working-class neighbourhood in the wake of the 25 January 2011 revolution. The film revolves around ‘Tika’ (Mohamed Sa’ad), an unlikely hero, who sells fireworks for a living. Tika finds himself…

Dr Sara Salem asks Philip Rizk about the making of the documentary film 'Out on the Street' ('Barra fil-sharia`) with Yasmina Metwaly, state censorship, audience reception and the relationship between cultural production and politics.

It was in the extraordinary and historic city of Suez that the first martyr of the Egyptian revolution fell. But the city has long been the gateway to Egypt’s most decisive, transformative moments. Home to the strategic Suez Canal, the port was a key…

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Tahrir Documents is an archive of activist papers from the 2011 Egyptian uprising and its aftermath. Materials were collected from demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and published in complete English translation alongside scans of the original…

This blog by 'Suzee in the City' documented street art and graffiti on the streets of Cairo and beyond in the period following the 25 January 2011 revolution. It includes photographs of street art and insightful commentary on street art and its…

An online archive of voices of Egyptian people, documenting their understandings and perceptions of events after 2011. Material for the Dictionary was collected in conversations with around 200 individuals in Egypt from March to August 2014.…

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Egyptian novelist and writer Ahdaf Soueif narrates her history of Cairo and her journey through the first few months of the 2011 revolution, highlighting the intersections of the personal and the political in the context of these momentous events.

'I miss you tear gas'. The tear gas canister has 'Made in USA: Expiry 2003' written on it. The image refers to the tear gas that was used against protesters during the 18 day uprising. Canisters that were recovered showed that the tear gas was made…

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These images depict a mother mourning her child. They refer to the mothers of the martyrs - those killed by the police during anti-regime protests. Such images sought to mobilise sympathy not only for those killed and their families but also for the…