• Tags: Egyptian revolution
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A feature documentary originally planned as a three-part television series. Through the life of an Egyptian family, it covers the six months between Mubarak’s stepping down and the first parliamentary elections (November-December 2011), prelude to…

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Ramy Essam shot to fame during the 18 days of the Tahrir Square sit-in in 2011. This song, based on the slogans of the protesters, calling on former president Hosni Mubarak to leave, became one of the most iconic songs of the revolution.

This is a widely-distributed, deeply disturbing film intended to highlight the disproportionately violent response of the SCAF regime against protesters. It consists of twelve minutes of raw testimony and graphic images of violence against…

The film takes us behind the scenes of the Egyptian revolution, its leaders and participants, including four Nobel Peace Prize nominees. “Their success in forcing the downfall of a brutal dictatorship has changed the face of the Middle East and…

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While tens of thousands of protestors gathered in cities across Egypt in January 2011, poor villagers in the country’s south followed the tense situation on their TV screens and in the daily newspapers. From the overthrow of Mubarak to the fall of…