• Tags: sitt al-banat
Egyptian Security Forces Beat Women.jpg
The video shows Egyptian military police beating a woman during the Cabinet sit-in during December 2011. The video went viral and caused outrage in Egypt and beyond. The woman, whose identity was never revealed, has been dubbed the 'blue bra woman'…

feb 2012 011.JPG
Photograph of graffiti seen on a street in Cairo in February 2012. 'Sitt al-banat' (or, 'the best of girls') refers to the female protester who was filmed being dragged across the street and beaten by security personnel in December 2011.

"The army protected the revolution. Of course." Screenprint on paper. This image, part of a series, is an ironic statement, highlighting that, despite the rhetoric, the military did not protect nor support the revolution. The image refers to 'sitt…