Zeft's iconic Nefertiti and her gas mask, created as a tribute to the role of Egyptian women in the revolution. This image was often used in placards, especially at women's marches and women's events in 2012-2013.
Nour is a song by the famous Egyptian rapper Zap Tharwat featuring the renowned actor Amina Khalil. The song was developed under the leadership of the National Council for Women (NCW) in collaboration with UN Women Egypt Country Office and with the…
Muslim Brotherhood and SCAF politicians eating a woman's corpse. This image could be read in two ways. First, it suggests that women are always used and abused by politicians, no matter if they are religious, secular, nationalist, or other. Second,…
These images depict a mother mourning her child. They refer to the mothers of the martyrs - those killed by the police during anti-regime protests. Such images sought to mobilise sympathy not only for those killed and their families but also for the…
As part of a series of interviews with women activists in "Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution", filmmaker Leil Zahra interviews the young activist and artist Aya Tarek. Tarek is well-known for her fascinating graffiti work, even before the…
The series of short interviews entitled "Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution" was created by filmmaker Leil Zahra. In this video clip, activist and journalist Rasha Azab speaks about her experience and role during the 2011 revolution.
A highly acclaimed Ramadan TV show that follows the lives of different women inside a Cairo prison. It is a good example of the trend towards dealing with social issues and gender issues in Egyptian popular culture after 2011.
'Nawara', the story of a downtrodden maid's experience of the revolution, scooped international prizes but mediocre returns at the box office in Egypt. Unlike many of the films made about the revolution, 'Nawara' demonstrates the ways in which the…
The cartoon depicts the daughter of ancient Egyptian pharaoh, Akhnaton. It pays tribute to those Egyptian women who cut their hair in Tahrir Square in protest against the 2012 constitution. Many Egyptians opposed the constitution, which they…
This cartoon was created in the wake of the referendum approving the 2012 Egyptian constitution. It criticises the new constitution for failing to grant women equal rights. The long beard, which is literally preventing the woman from speaking,…