• Collection: Songs
The Bahgaga Band.jpg
In this song, the members of the band are gathered around their grandmother who has supernatural powers and tells them that by the year 2063 all of Egypt's problems will be solved. People will be living in happiness, there will be no poverty and they…

"Sawra", meaning 'revolution', is a call for people to revolt against oppression and also recalls the slogans of the 2011 Egyptian revolution: "Bread, freedom, social Justice".

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The song is addressed to young soldiers or conscripts in the Egyptian army who are starting their service (usually 18 years old). The singer is calling upon them to be aware of their oppressors and to side with justice and the people who need their…

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In the Egyptian popular context, the phrase “Reg‘eit Rima” (Rima is back), implies that someone is going back to their old habits. Here, it is a metaphorical reference to the return of the old military regime. The song satirizes the cliche ́discourse…

Similar to other songs by Bahgaga band, this song uses satire and dark humour to underline the state of poverty, from which many Egyptians have been suffering due to the continuous and sharp rises in the prices of food items. Fava beans (or 'foul' in…

The song was produced during the early days of the January 2011 Revolution and the video was filmed in Tahrir Square and includes footage from the 18 day sit-in. The song celebrates the revolution and was the first to be sung by the band after the…

Through this song, Yasser Elmanawehly, one of the voices of the 2011 revolution, expresses his dismay at the erasure of street graffiti by the authorities. He sings that even if the revolution's graffiti is erased from the walls, the regime will not…

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The lyrics by poet Amin Haddad and sung by Eskenderella Band in the aftermath of the 2011 Revolution pay tribute to the Egyptian people and their revolt against injustice and the imperial powers that exploited them. The song represents the revolution…

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The song's lyrics were composed by poet Amin Haddad and sung by Eskenderella Band in the aftermath of the Mohammed Mahmoud street protests in November 2011, which resulted in the killing of over 40 protestors. The video clip shows the band singing it…

The song was made in early 2014 to reflect the dismay and state of frustration of many people who took part in the 2011 revolution, including members of the Cairokee band themselves.