Trailer for an action-thriller film about a young man caught up in criminal activities. The film stars Mohamed Ramadan, who plays a tough guy with a kind heart. Ramadan is one of Egypt's most famous actors and also one of the most controversial. He…
In this mahragan track, Sadat and Fifty endorse the revolution but also poke fun at one of its most famous slogans, turning attention to people's everyday concerns.
Sadat and Fifty are very successful mahragan musicians. This song is encouraging men not to sexually harass women. In 2013, there was a high incidence of mass sexual assault directed against female protesters. Moreover, a 2013 study by UN Women,…
This film explores the 'mahragan' music scene through the lives of three young musicians. 'Mahragan' is a style of music that emerged from the most marginalised neighbourhoods of Cairo and became more widely listened to after the 2011 revolution.…