This film, directed by Ahmad Abdalla, is considered to have anticipated the 25 January 2011 revolution. It highlights the underground youth culture scene in Alexandria and reveals the frustrations of young people living in a repressive society, who…
An online archive of voices of Egyptian people, documenting their understandings and perceptions of events after 2011. Material for the Dictionary was collected in conversations with around 200 individuals in Egypt from March to August 2014.…
This sketch by satirical performance group Atfal al-Shawarea mocks the controversial Saudi-Egypt agreement in 2016 over the Red Sea Islands. Following this video, members of the group were arrested on charges of inciting terrorism and imprisoned for…
In this song, rock band Cairokee put to music “Al-ahzan al-‘adeyya” (Ordinary Sorrows, 1981) by legendary vernacular poet Abdel Rahman al-Abnoudi. Abnoudi's poem paints a picture of defiance in the of face of oppression: 'We’re the people who get hit…
'Goodbye Mubarak!' takes us to Egypt during the fall of 2010, in the run-up to legislative elections. What we discover is a revolution-in-waiting already simmering under the surface of Egyptian society. On January 25, 2011, the world was captivated…
In this video clip, part of a series of short interviews entitled "Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution", filmmaker Leil Zahra documents the experience and role of activist and lawyer Maheinour El Massry during the 2011 revolution and its…
The song addresses the situation in Egypt after the army's removal of Mohamed Morsy in July 2013. The narrator wants to give up and turn away from the problems facing Egypt but 'Mother Egypt tells me, “No, don’t give up son. I have nobody but you to…
Cherophobia means 'fear of happiness'. The song is meant to reflect the feelings amongst the Egyptian youth in the post-revolutionary period.
The song title means, 'You fall and you get up'. It expresses feelings of sadness and resignation. It aims to reflect the feelings of the youth living in the post-revolution period.
Taken from Massar Egbari's first album, 'Read the News' (2013), the song expresses defiance in the face of violence and authoritarianism.